Abstract Submission

General instructions​

  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling
  • Abstract deadline extended to 01.04.2024
  • Your abstract study or research must include at least preliminary results
  • Please have your abstract title and body at hand before starting the submission process, as you cannot re-enter the registration link once you exit. If you exit the registration process midway, you can restart the registration from the beginning. 
  • You will have the choice to participate in the Young Investigator Contest 
  • Abstracts of participants who fail to complete the payment of their registration fees will not be included in the Neurizons conference.

Submission guidlines

  • Abstract title: The title should not exceed 25 words.
  • Authors and Affiliations: Mark the presenting author with *. Mark the affiliations of each author with appropriate numbers.
    For example:

    Authors: Varsha Ramakrishna*1 , Eren Diniz 2
    Affiliations: 1 University Medical Center, Goettingen, 2 German Center for Neurodegenrative Diseases 
  • Body text: Limited to 2000 characters including references. We recommend using word-processing software (for example Microsoft word) for editing your abstract and counting the number of characters. Typing your text directly into the field is not recommended. Please be sure not to include extra spaces and symbols, as these are included in the character count.
  • Abstract should describe: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. They should be submitted in plain paragraph, without sectioning into heading.
  • Abbreviations: Use only standard abbreviations. Place special abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word the first time it appears.
  • After submission, no further changes will be possible!

Submission rules and conditions:

  • By submitting an abstract, the submitting author confirms that all the information of the abstract is correct and has been approved by co-authors.
  • Submitted abstracts cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline and will be published exactly as submitted.
  • By submitting an abstract, you confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the corresponding author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract.
  • The organizer reserves the right to remove any abstract that does not comply with the above rules and conditions.